Sunday, March 18, 2018

Why Are Trips Allowed?

Why are trips allowed?
Why is hrc allowed to take trips?
What is the meaning?
Hidden Agenda...
He shall not be mentioned
Where is Obama?
Why Israel last?
More to be Revealed
BOOM 3x's this week
#QAnon #Q

I meant no disrespect': Hillary admits she 'upset or offended' some Americans with comments she made about Trump supporters and white women voting like their husbands

  • Hillary Clinton took to Facebook to explain some comments she made in India that had drawn criticism from Democrats and the Trump White House 
  • 'I understand how some of what I said upset people and can be misinterpreted,' Clinton said in the post 
  • The ex-nominee said she wasn't trying to attack red states when she talked about how areas that went for Trump weren't as economically advantaged
  • She stood her ground - while noting it was hard to hear - but believed that some women were swayed to vote for a male candidate by their husbands
  • 'It may not be universally true or easy to hear, but yes, it’s a dynamic still at play in our society,' Clinton said  


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