Sunday, March 18, 2018

Corruption Ties

Bush jr 2001 No Child Left Behind Act
Obama opened floodgates let them in 
Gave American rights to illegals
While selling off America to <THEM> 
Obama/HRC sold Uranium to Russia
To supply Mid East Terrorists 
33000 email deleted
Bribery Lynch 
Comey part of it 
McCabe part if it
Name of he will not be mentioned reference POW
Biden in on Game 
Look eyes 
demonic presence 
Children bought traded
Slaves for adult nature
Rated X 
Follow the stars
You are the sheeple
China owns Cali 
America for sale 
Schools switched languages 
Part of the agenda 
Spanish Curriculum
Why Flynn?
He knows where bodies r buried
China Containers hold the key 
Q knows 80% school teaching All subjects in Spanish 
All part of the plan
You are the sheep

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