Sunday, April 1, 2018

Reincarnation of the Holocaust

           I want to live in a Country that was founded where I can have Freedom of Speech. I want 2 live in my country of Freedom. I want 2 live in the Greatest Country that was Founded on Constitution of Republic. **REPUBLIC** I Do Not Want 2 live in 3rd World Country. I do not want to live in a Place where I am forced to submit to tyranny. In fact this is what David Hoggs & his posse Wants. They wanna be in a Place where Government decides. I want to Live In A Country Where I have my Freedoms to Choice and how I live!! **fact** 
2nd Amendment was created for WE THE PEOPLE. "A Well Regulated Milita. Being Necessary to the Security of a Free State, The Right to Keep And Bear Arms, Shall Not Be Infringed"
Fisa memo released Insurance Policy to start the tyranny of Parkland Florida MSD gun free zone school activated. 17 innocents killed. Blood SPILLED. Now toss in FBI Kevin Hoggs son Crisis Actor David Hogg who has big following on YouTube because he was on the news summer of 17 cause a Surf Board a liberal left trigger. Been used for the cover up of bloodshed and to trigger again #Holocaust where the Bushes family created in 30's by Prescott Bush backed by Thyssen-controlled bank on Netherlands on Hitler/Nazism for Human Genocide. (Research the facts) 
So basically what we seeing today is what O reincarnated since Bush Sr couldn't finish what grandpa Prescott started even while Regan was in office than Bush Sr held position. Than Bush did war with Iraq to exterminate the Christian Assyrian population, another reincarnation of Queen Elizabeth did back in 1930-1940 era upon Iraq killed Christian leaders of Iraq and sold out the country to Muslims. Bush Sr was done being President this is when next evil duo couple came into play the Clinton's, they done many horrible things to USA gave the illegal immigrants rights?? Another Treasonous act upon our country USA. Where our forefathers are shifting in their graves. Than Billy boy got caught with Monica in oval office shoving a cigar up her ******. And he bluecstained dress. Than Obama was around he was getting popular having gay sexes running in Illinois with Blagojevich robbing Illinois out of money all for power and play. Than Bush Jr ran for president same year as DONALD TRUMP tried to run 4 presidency with VP Oprah Winfrey but Trump saw signs back out now. So Trump dropped out Oprah became butt hurt. Bush Jr win. Nesara law signed by bill was to go in effect 9.11.01 at 10 am. But Clinton's, McCain, Pelosi and whole bunch off others did not like it that's when Bush Jr told Pentagon we need a distraction. 911 was plotted on the day the bill was to go in action it was in the second floor of the twin tower. 911 happened. Over 3000 people were sacrificed. Than O ran for presidency with Clinton's. Koran was a campaign commercial for O to try to implant Muslims, Islam, SHARIA Laws in USA. It was delivered to select areas in Illinois. I myself can attest I received the book on my front door step by a tall young guy in his early 20's with a backwards baseball cap dark black curly hair, facial hair, red t-shirt, brown khaki shirts a blue shoulder messenger bag, hairy arms, and drive a blue small hatchback car. 2 Dr. So to move forward O won Presidency by cheating. It was planned Hrc to be in office as press secretary. Benches hapoened, Sandy hook was cover up. URANIUM 1 happened. To much crimes happened. Now a plan was plotted for 2015 election run who ever ran against HRC pied piper plan against all candidates. Trump announced he was running 4 President. Hillary, O, and rest were nervous knew Trump would win. But it still didn't stop them that's when the #RUSSIAPLOT was put into play. They wiretapped Trump. Julian had similar was exposing Hillary and everyone. Seth rich was killed, pulse Nightclub distraction happened, Pairs too, haarp did big play into this for weather disasters, O went to Germany gave the speech on stage for Millennials and generation Z to seek havoc and destroy I ended in fb jail for that. September 23, 2016 Micheal isikoff wrote U.D. Intel officials probe ties between Trump adviser and Kremlin. <smells phony>
Than Strozk & Page did texts FBI lovers. 10.9.16 debate I called into Wayne Dupree show told Wayne Dupree Trump going to win. Than debate started Trump told Hillary cause you'd be and jail, I will get special prosecutor to investigate you Hillary. Hillary in defense mentioned RUSSIA RUSSIA RUSSIA. a code to signal O I am losing. Trigger the election fraud. So my dead grandma God rest her soul I buried 10.19.2012 voted for Hillary 11.8.2016. Election fraud. My family is republicans. So Trump won. Than James Comey was fired, Trump knew all along what was to be planned how the steps in process to take down the criminals. But many distractions happened. Planned by NWO, UN, ROTHSCHILD, SOROS, SAUDI ARABIA, DEEP STATE, DEMOCRATS, FBI, CiA, AND SO ON. Robert Mueller began a investigation on Trump Russia. All deploy. You really don't need Q for this I been saying this for years. Other attacks happened, haarp was in action again many lives list, democrats riled up the illegals, they did Las Vegas Massacare planned by Saudi Arabia to kill prince, paddock picked Patsy. Prince Saudi Arabia was arrested with gang of rats. Than Trump visited Asia he already visited ...ko.."pictures speak a million words" <AS Q STATED>, so do trumps tweets and letters in Alphabet 26 letters. Q number 17. M number 13. Than fast forward 1.19.18 fisa memo release was being talked about all over the news this is when OPERATION PARKLAND WAS activated as I said on earlier post. Kevin Hoggs FBI and crisis ACTOR Train or. His son perfect with baby face age 21 was used. This is the insurance policy was used to try to go anti-gun. Implant tyranny upon USA. To seek havoc n destroy AMERICAN CITIZENS, LIVES, FREEDOMS, OUR CONSTITUTION.
CNN funded by cia slush funds and all fake news media outlets that's why the Murdoch brothers bought fox. Liberal tyrants to try to control all conservatives. Look at Cali wildfires that happened. Look at all the disasters we suffer as one nation. Now look at bigger picture many are dropping like flies. Times up. Their game is almost over. We Must Rise As A Whole Country Together To Protect Our Constitutional Rights against the prejudice liberal left who been blue pilled to thinking we are better under the Government control. Now refer back up to top few lines when I started this article on how our forefathers gave us the second amendment also refer back to WE THE PEOPLE are the ones who make the Government and control it. Not them control us. Get it?now go back down history when the Arabs sold USA slaves, which caused much chaos. Than 16th Republican President Abe Lincoln created 13th Amendment which was signed than Democrats had him killed in theatre. Now after 13th Amendment went into effect in Georgia, 3 democrat confederate soldiers created the KKK in Pulaski Tennesse on 12.24.1865 Now go to all wars we had where North versus South in USA this was before hec13th Amendment was created. That's why we have Confederate flag. North States vs South wherecsoth fought to own Slaves. North fought for freedom of slaves. Now skip forward many other great presidents we had and awful traitors till we got JFK. A good President of Democrat Party only good Democrat who fought for what's right. He wanted to assaibate Fidel Castro in Operation Mongoose, but a traitor was in there Ted Cruz father. So operation mongoose was a failure. <insert Bush Sr fbi> Fidel Castro still killed all the people cubs made itv3rd world country. Took away everyone's rights gun, no ones free in that world. But JFK was assinated. Than we had MLK he had a dream. Black panthers were created to protect black communities against the Government. Democrats tricked the blacks into saying live off government be fatherless moms and vote democrats. That didn't work long. Than we had bin ladens dad flying over Texas over bushes to meet his 23 wife. He was killed. Oh yeah laden-bush had ties with bank accounts. McCain was a declared hero for pow when actually he is a #criminal in all crimes that where committed. He was responsible to get all the other pow members back from Vietnam but kept hushed 1000s of Americans left behind to rot in Vietnam prisons. McCain remained in power. Now in my earlier posts I mentioned Prescott Bush Hitler ties which leads to today #femacamps #holocaust #traincarswithshackles #bigblackcoffins
Now this right here is my prediction and theory and I am right on this. How many landfills does USA have with garbage? Why big Black coffins? Now if you refer to Sweden they burn their trash. Why hasn't USA DONE THAT YET.? Think about it fema camps, thousands, toss bodies in black coffins take them to the landfills and burn bodies
in landfill with garbage. It will keep the burning of human flesh stench out of air because the garbage it burns with....... *******I REPEAT NO ONE LEAKED THIS TO ME, NOR TOLD ME OF THIS, I HAVE A WILD IMAGINATION, I AM A ARTIST. I STILL WATCH CARTOONS. I SAW VIDEO OFF GARBAGE BEING BURNED IN SWEDEN, THAN BIG HARD BLACK PLASTIC COFFINS MADE. I PUT TWO AND TWO TOGETHER*******
OK well now you know history and how it ties together. Hope this taught u lots. There is more I just didn't feel like typing it I been writing this article since 8:05pm. From my memory. But there us so much on the net to back up my facts. 
Please no one use my article. This my article written by TZ. 3.31.18
In God We Trust.
they will all crumble down soon the democrats.


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