Sunday, April 1, 2018

Facts R Facts

For No Apparent Reason this Is Blue Pilled Sheep Below. Look how it is Beig told Something and it agrees by Thumbs up Not look at the Pro’s and Con’s and too see if there is More to the story. Basically this is What today’s youth like David Hoggs is Promoting In America Along with his Sidekick Emma all bashing on NRA, the President, Laura Ingrham, And the companies that Support the NRA and All the People and Companies they are bashing on… Wait what Did you just say Minors are calling out on Companies who support Big businesses? How in the world can Children know of these? When just a few months ago they were doing the Tide Pod Challenges? or the David Hoggs was last Summer in august got famous by being on News over a Surf Board lleft at the beach in california on top of a garbage can? he ws all excited by his peers he was on tv. Just like Blue Pilled Carson Daily or the Other Role Models of this younger generations on Cable TV? like little wayne like emniem. This being brought to you by Soros funded.. Woman Marches for Abortion Which Funds the Marches of the Teens at Schools for March for Our Lives, Anti Gun March. The Same As Hitler Used for the Holocaust the Human Genocide of the 1940’s era. Hitler was created by Prescott Bush. Which created the Bush Dynasty. Many Bushes have held position in the Government on the Control of US. the Control if Our Freedoms. Remember our Forefathers Gave us the Second Amendment. Because We Make The Government When the Government Gets out of Line. Children are just Children they do not learn all the BIG stuff till THEY go out in the BIG World Themselves when they go to College or get there first job. So in David Hoggs case his father is FBI and also a Crisis Actor Trainer. You see how this plays into the narrative. David Hoggs father Kevin Hoggs traned his baby faced son with the Plot that was Already planned since the Fisamemo’s were releasd by Devin Nunes. It was planned way before Trump won Presidency, this was O’s, fbi, Comey, Clinton’s and all those involved Insurance plan in case they were caught up and failed. Kevin H being part of the FBI had a special adult child who can pass off as a crisis actor. Same with Sandy Hook it was another insurance for the bigger problem BENGHAZI. It was used to cover up BENGHAZI to protect Os ass from impeachment and arrest same for HRC. (Research the Facts) I’m on point with this. You have the internet in your fingertips. Just use your pointer finger and research. Parkland Florida always been in Clinton’s back pocket with her being friends with Sheriff Israel, and Debbie Wesserman Schultz ties into it, human trafficking done through there with child trafficking hunter Zero. MSD high school was picked because it was gun free school zone. Weeks before the shooting happened right after the news story was released on 1.19.18
Here’s the link
Well the training began at MSD high school for the gun walkouts. And as I said in a video back in early March I reported that D.H. Twitter account has a Time gap between September 2017 to Janurary 19 2018 when the news article was released. And that’s when training began at the school on kids. NIK CRUZ was a Patsy used he was picked out about the time parkland florida was picked and MSD high school. They saw all the kids records who went to the school studied kid by kid, saw Cruz was a outsider followed his social media accounts picked him as patsy few years before it all came to this Cruz, MSD hs, 17 lives lost are the insurance 4 release of fisamemos 2 cover their asses. Each human is a stock we are all worth 1 million dollars. Since V-Day Massacare how many more deaths there been? Keep track of numbers each one us a stock. We are numbers. So hopefully this article I wrote teaches you something.
Written by Tania Zaia. 3/31/2018
(NO COPY/NO SHARE I WROTE THIS ARTICLE) I appreciate the respect.
oh parkland florida been mk ultraed. cia mind control.

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