Monday, March 27, 2017


Fact: After Paul Ryan healthcare act failed, Schumer, Sanders are trying to get in on Trump good side. lol. To Work on the Healthcare act. Wanna know why? They want a cut in the money made on the Healthcare act!! This bill fucken disgusts me!! bozo and his mafia are collecting from the Obamacare... they wanted a extension on OBC thats why they reformed it were going to charge higher on the new bill OBC 2.0... But the bill failed miserably just like Ryan, he is a miserable human. What Trump needs to do is let the l let the obc fail. Pull Government out of Healthcare!! Leave the Healthcare for the States to worry about! Let Healthcare market be a open free based market, where people can choose which plan to buy!! Like for instance HMO, Blue Cross, and other insurances.. Back out of Penalizing everyone who does not have healthcare when they do there taxes!! I will keep pushing n this issue till its taken care off and stop robbing us!! Its about Our Lives!! Not supposed to be about money $$$ and how to Decrease Human Population, with riddled diseases being spread like a cold & flu. Ya think Cancer is heredity? lol. Research it. It''s not. You can contract it anyway. its like Aids a Sexually Transmitted disease. That's the truth. That's why Big Pharma makes money.. Chemo therapy-(@TZ)

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