Monday, August 15, 2016

Don't Be Hillary's Chump. Vote For New President Donald J Trump!!!!

Many Reasons Why To Vote For Current Republican Man Running Donald J Trump

As Time nears November 8 election. Today is August 15. We have less than 84 days left to the election. As I write this right now Current time is 6:28 pm cst. I bare from City of Chicago

Time is Running Short. We Must beat the Hillary Clinton Foundation by Nov 8.
President Donald Trump Will Make America Great Again. He has great polices, new rules, a New Era for the USA.

Trump has a Book out called ""Great Again"" Well worth the money spent $12 dollars at your local Walmart or Bookstores.

He has a 17 step plan written out in the book

I will explain this 17 Step lan to you And Why you Should Vote For Donald Trump

1) Winning Again-

2) Our "Unbiased"" Politocal Media

3) Immigration: Good Walls Make Good Neighbors

 4) Foregin Policy: Fighting For Peace

5)Education: A Failing Grade

6) The energy Debate: A Lot of Hot Air

7) Health Care Is Making Us All Sick

8) It's Still the Economy, Stupid

9) Nice Guys Can Finnish First

10) Lucky To Be An American

11) The Right To Bear Arms

12) Our Infrastructure Is Crumbling

13) Values

14)A New Game In Town

15) Teaching The Media Dollars and Sense

16) A Tax Code That Works

17) Making America Great Again & Safe Again!!!!